Articles on Bankruptcy & Insolvency Issues

Bankruptcy News

  1. Personal and business bankruptcy filings rose 16.2 percent in the twelve-month period ending June 30, 2024, compared with the previous year.
  2. U.S. probation and pretrial officers must balance two very important goals: protecting public safety and helping people they oversee make positive changes in their lives. In recognition of National Pretrial, Probation, and Parole Supervision (PPPS) Week, a new video explains the work of officers and their unique roles in the administration of justice, providing insight into how they do their jobs effectively.
  3. Federal and state courts reported a combined 13 percent decrease in authorized wiretaps in 2023, compared with 2022, according to the Judiciary’s 2023 Wiretap Report. Arrests in cases involving electronic surveillance increased, while convictions decreased.
  4. The Department of Justice (DOJ) has advised the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts that it has no funds available to transfer to the Judiciary to make additional payments to eligible chapter 7 bankruptcy trustees for fiscal year 2023.
  5. Honolulu high school students experienced the journey of Fred Korematsu firsthand during a courtroom reenactment of Korematsu’s fight for racial justice that included the attorneys who represented him.
  6. Bankruptcy filings rose 16 percent during the 12-month period ending March 31, 2024. That is a similar rate of acceleration as in the Dec. 31, 2023, quarterly report, but new bankruptcy cases remain significantly lower than before the start of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
  7. Hundreds of lawyers and community members joined Minnesota federal judges in a recent courthouse event fostering awareness of disability rights.
  8. Aleta A. Trauger earned a reputation as a tough prosecutor after convicting a former Tennessee governor during her stint at the U.S. attorney’s office. The 1981 case, which dealt with selling liquor licenses to political friends, gave her credibility in a male-dominated space.
  9. Across the country, federal defender offices are struggling with increasingly complex litigation marked by escalating electronic discovery demands. Staffing shortages and the lingering effects of the COVID pandemic have added to their challenges.
  10. The Judiciary today released its Annual Report providing detailed information about mission critical initiatives that advanced over the course of 2023, including efforts to enhance the court system’s physical and information technology security and modernize its IT systems.
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