Credit Rating is an evaluation of the credit risk of an individual; a business; a state; a provincial authority; a sovereign government or a country in order to predict their ability to repay a debt, i.e. fulfill their financial commitments. It is a measure of solvency of an entity.
These ratings are based on detailed analysis of the entity's historical financial-performance of borrowing, lending and operating activities and are published by well-known and established credit rating agencies like Standard & Poor's, Moody's Investors Service, Fitch, DBRS and Dun & Bradstreet.
Credit ratings are also used by sovereign wealth funds, pension funds, traders and other investors to gauge the credit worthiness or Country Risk of countries around the world.
Credit Rating expresses the likelihood that the rated entity may go into default within 1 year (short-term) or above one year (long-term).
Different credit agencies have their own evaluation methods to assign ratings as shown below for Standard & Poor’s (S&P), Moody’s, Fitch and DBRS (originally known as Dominion Bond Rating Service) : For a Country List with their respective Credit Rating from Trading Economics Click Here
For a Country List with their respective Credit Rating from Trading Economics Click Here